Processes involved in Charge Entry Services

The importance of charge entry services in medical billing and coding processes is crucial as it is the determining procedure that finalizes reimbursement amounts for healthcare organizations from insurance companies. A powerhouse of experienced professional teams and progressive technology is required for the same for effective, uninterrupted workflows that lead to organizational success.

So, healthcare organizations outsource charge entry process in medical billing to enhance and retain the steadiness of their cash flow, avoid payment delays, and to diminish claim denial and rejection scenarios. The assets of the offshore outsourcing service provider assure uncompromising workflows that render highly-quality and accurate outcomes devoid or any errors.

The benefits provided by these outsourcing solutions can save unwanted operational expenses to a near half. Not only healthcare clients get the best technical advantage, but are also offered personalized solutions that have quick turnaround times, and are done by highly capable industry experts. These will ultimately enhance the client’s core business functions that will achieve a global competitive edge.

The below explanations give a complete workflow outline of outsourcing charge entry services.

  • Secure Receiving of FilesThe outsource medical billing process company receives files such as EOBs (Explanation of Benefits) and cheques from the client in scanned/digital formats through FTP protocols having end-to-end data security.
  • Allocation of FilesAfter securely downloading the files, the outsourcing medical billing process provider reviews the same and allocates them to their in-house experts to perform charge entry in medical billing.
  • Patient Catalog EntryThe process begins post file allocation by the in-house teams of the medical billing services provider. They capture and enter all patient details in the respective fields. The main details are related to patient demographics along with reference and billing system particulars. The particulars are patient account number, the amount allowed, billed, adjusted, and paid. If a claim denial or rejection scenario arises, such details are also entered into the billing system by the medical billing services provider.
  • Follow-up for Explanation of Benefits (EOB)This is applicable in situations when the patient is granted partial payments by the insurance company. A follow-up on the same is done by performing a detailed investigation and analysis by the medical billing services team to carry out proper measures.
  • Analysis of Claim DenialThe investigation and analysis will enable the team who does charge entry process in medical billing to make appropriate decisions that will be responsible for the quick and easy recovery of dues.
  • Feedback from ClientAlthough not an actual process this is highly important for the client and the service provider to have a detailed evaluation of the entire project of charge entry in medical billing. It checks all aspects of data quality, necessary improvements to be made, project delivery, etc. by the client.

The above steps comprise the workflow in outsourcing medical charge entry services that provides global healthcare organizations to massively save on their overhead costs, by delivering high data accuracy and quality in quick turnaround times. They have the best data security and confidentiality measures that ensure complete protection of sensitive medical and patient information, reliably.

Post by Jessica Dawson